Hi, I’m Danielle.

A Sound Healer facilitating events in Austin + Sound Healing Certifications across the States.

In 2017 I attended a sound bath on a whim, and felt profoundly better afterwards, I started attending weekly. Fast forward several months, I noticed how feeling good that often positively impacted all areas of my life. I took the opportunity to train in the art of providing sound to be able to give back all I’ve received.

I’ve trained over 150 sound healers across the States and counting, infusing my passion for Authentic Relating to teach people how to step into their power and lead in an embodied way.

What’s unique about my offering is the emphasis on the art of facilitation, teaching others how to take up space and lead from a regulated state.

I feel incredibly lucky to have fortuitously arrived on this path.

Check out my offerings and the events page to book an experience near you.

More on Authentic Relating

Authentic relating is both a key and a map that allows people to unlock and explore the vast and extraordinary landscape of human connection that lies beyond the scope of most typical relationships. It is a practice that heals old wounds, softens and settles reactive nervous systems, and allows people to be deeply seen, heard, and accepted for who they are – even in their most recessed, darkest, scariest innermost selves.

It offers an integrated set of skills and tools that are potent, versatile, and easy to learn and apply in everyday life, with everyone we encounter. It combines cutting edge research into the science of relationships with the timeless tenets of ancient wisdom to produce a relational practice that is non-dogmatic, eminently practical, and immediately accessible by anyone and create more trust and positive regard between individuals and groups. 

I’ve been involved with Authentic Relating Training International since 2019 and my trainings and events are infused with ART’s core principles, deeply enriching the quality of these offerings.

Interested in learning more? ART International offers free community circles.

Ready to dive deeper? Click here to receive 5% off of any available course.


“Vibrate the cosmos and the cosmos shall clear the path.”

Yogi Bhajan I Master of kundalini + spiritual teacher